Split Pea Soup (Low Sodium)

Tabatchnick low sodium Split Pea Soup is simply divine! Experience our classic hearty split pea recipe, cooked oh-so-slowly in small batches with the added benefit of reduced sodium, no cholesterol, no sugar, and zero fat. Our low sodium split pea soup is loaded with fiber, powering you for hours. We freeze our soups to lock in the flavor, freshness, and nutrients found in every bowl. Our family of fifth generation soup makers has been feeding happy customers for over 100 years.

Ingredients: Water, green split peas, carrots, onions, celery, spices, xanthan gum, garlic, garlic powder.
Preparation Instructions
1. Slit bag on one side diagonally making a large X from corner to corner
2. Place bag with slit side facing down in a NON-METALLIC BOWL.
3. Microwave 1 bag on high for 4 1/2 minutes or until hot (because of differences in microwave ovens, heating times may vary).
4. Pinch plastic bag from middle of uncut side, lift from bowl.
Contents will empty into bowl. CAREFUL, it will be hot!
5. Stir well before serving.
1. Remove frozen pouch of soup from box.
2. Open pouch, remove soup and place in microwave-safe bowl.
3. Place bowl in microwave on high for 4 1/2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Enjoy!
Remove frozen pouch of soup from box. Place unopened pouch in saucepan with water and bring to a boil. (Do not cover.) Continue boiling for 15 minutes. Slit pouch open, serve, and enjoy!